Error Message "no ALV table imported from memory"

Error Message "no ALV table imported from memory"


When you publish a report, error message /DPS/RET 104 - "Error Message "no ALV table imported from memory" is issued/written in the job log and nothing is published.
The issue may occur both in foreground and background execution or only in background.


There are two possible causes for the described issue:
  1. In case the publish doesn't work in foreground - That means that the report doesn't use an ALV control.
    Publisher supports only ALV reports (nothing can be done in such case).
  2. The publish works in foreground, but doesn't work in background - That means that the report doesn't support execution in background.


Please first verify if the issue occurs both in foreground execution or only in background.
  1. In case the issue occurs in foreground, please check if the report is using an ALV control (Otherwise it isn't supported).
  2. In case the issue occurs only in background, please check if the report support execution in background.
    This can be tested by scheduling a background of the original report (not via Publisher) and reviewing the spool results. The spool results must contain the contents of the ALV.
    If this isn't the case, the report should be corrected to support execution in background.